Diebold machines must pass the “hack test”
It’s time to restore the public’s trust in how our votes are counted here in California. But, if Republican Secretary of State Bruce McPherson has his way, that may not happen.
With a January 1, 2006 deadline looming, Secretary of State McPherson is considering recertification of Diebold electronic voting machines for use in California elections — even though recent studies have shown failure rates of up to 20% on some Diebold systems.
That’s outrageous! The very integrity of our elections is on the line — and the people of California deserve a thorough, rigorous testing of these Diebold voting machines before they’re used in our state ever again.
I hope you’ll help me speak out on this by emailing Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, urging him to thoroughly test the Diebold electronic voting machines before even considering using them in the next California election!
And tune in to www.krxa540.com today (Friday) at 3:30pm as we talk about electronic voting on KRXA Radio in Monterey. This is too critical an issue for any of us to remain silent.
Unfortunately, these Diebold electronic voting machines have shown themselves to be extremely vulnerable to hacking. Last May, computer expert Harri Hursti from Finland successfully hacked into a Diebold machine in Florida, flashing a message that read “Are we having fun yet?” across the screen.
And apparently, it wasn’t too hard to do. In fact, Hursti used a scanner that measures the moisture content in corn — a device that uses the same kind of memory cards as Diebold’s electronic voting machines — to program his own Diebold memory card, which enabled him to hack into the Florida system.
If it’s possible to use a $300 corn scanner to hack into a supposedly secure voting system in Florida, then clearly these Diebold electronic voting machines warrant further testing before they’re re-certified for use here in California.
17 counties across California, including Los Angeles, San Diego, and Alameda, are currently equipped with these Diebold machines. Significant numbers of votes in the 2006 election are slated to be processed with these electronic systems.
For the sake of the integrity of our elections system, and to guarantee that every Californian’s vote is counted accurately in the next election, these Diebold machines must pass the hack test.
It’s the responsibility of the Secretary of State to thoroughly test these Diebold machines before they’re used in any future elections. Anything less is absolutely unacceptable.
Tell Secretary of State Bruce McPherson to refuse to certify these Diebold electronic voting machines until they pass the hack test!
Thanks for your help!
December 2nd, 2005 at 7:55 pm
Thank you for be willing to make noise on this, Senator!
You can count me as one blogger who will support your initiative! Hopefully I can return the favor by sending some folks over to sign the petition! Will do so shortly!
Great chatting with you on air today on KRXA and I look forward to speaking with you more soon.
Brad Friedman
December 3rd, 2005 at 12:13 am
The ‘Hack Test’ is only part of the problem with Direct Register Election DRE voting machines.
We should de-certify ALL Direct Register Election DRE voting machines and have them converted to Ballot Marking Device BMD machines.
Or better still, move our elections to 100% absentee paper ballots like Oregon.
We can put an end to elections that are not fully auditable. All elections should be fully re-countable without the use of machines of any kind.
Anything less is not democracy!
Thanks for having this blog where we can comment on your efforts! Please continue to fight for auditable, manually recountable elections.
John George
December 3rd, 2005 at 1:49 am
Faith Based might be OK for some people ,but NEVER for elections for anybody !
December 3rd, 2005 at 2:47 am
I agree.
December 3rd, 2005 at 11:50 am
I am thrilled to hear of Debra’s effort in California. At the same time I am thrilled to hear that such candidates are running for Secretary of State in states all across the nation. I am in Massachusetts where John Bonifaz is running. I have also heard at he same time that I found out about Debra, that a similar type of candidate is running for Secretary of State in Minnesota - Mark Ritchie. And I have heard on the radio (I don’t know whether it is a fact or a rumor) that Bob Fitrakas is running for state office in Ohio. This is wonderful. I hope these all candidates talk to one another (and Brad Freidman, and Air America, and Progressive Democrats of America) and build a publicized coalition all across the country. In unison, they (and we) can build momentum and not feel like they (and we) are fighting in isolation and against such great odds. Together, perhaps we can take back the country in the truest sense of the word.
December 3rd, 2005 at 2:25 pm
If it takes Debra Bowen to untangle the problem of the current appointee interim CA Secretary of State’s reluctance to allow full testing, evening including a FL-like hack demo, then CA-SoS McPherson will have deserved a defeat at the polls come election time 2006.
I appreciate the boldness and thoroughness of the stands taken and arduous work being performed in our behalf by Sen. Bowen, as well as Brad Friedman of bradblog.com
There were worries when interim governor Schwarzenegger appointed interim Secretary of State McPherson that numerous outside influences evident in the way McP reorganized the SoS office would alter the way the SoS function traditionally had been in CA, i.e., that McP would introduce national GOP politics into the SoS processes. Although McP had experience in the state legislature and was a moderate himself, and even though in CA the SoS position is a partisan post, CA deserves better than the kind of top-down rulings that McP has proven are his hallmark as SoS.
I look forward to Sen. Bowen’s brisk campaign and victory in these important times.
If McP attempts to foist upon county elections officials a flawed voting machine, once elected D. Bowen should recall those faulty devices and ask for an investigation.
CA, the home of the largest silicon valley, is capable of professional vetting of security based voting devices. I will sign Sen. Bowen’s petition to allow the demo hack event to test the Diebold machines, but the entire process needs to be more professional. A successful hack will prove the weakness of McP’s current policy but will only make more urgent a complete redesign of the process of how to bring the polling machine industry up to the quality level CA requires to safeguard citizens’ rights.
CA has led the national EPA longterm. CA can set the pace in voting rights, as well.
December 3rd, 2005 at 4:34 pm
Thank you Senator……All elections should be recountable without machines. I am in favor of scrapping our current system and implementing Oregons absentee paper ballot system. I, for one, would gladly volunteer to count ballots for as long as it takes.
December 3rd, 2005 at 4:50 pm
What method of election is used for the position of SOS ,if it’s DRE based Debra Bowens efforts will be in vain I fear.
December 3rd, 2005 at 9:53 pm
Ms. Bowen:
This is called Leadership. Thank you!
It’s more complicated to describe to the general public, but the also-proven vulnerability of the central vote-tabulating computer(s) for both DRE and optical scan systems is a gigantic problem as well. And ESPECIALLY FOR ABSENTEE BALLOTS, as it turns out. Because certain system configurations permit only tally-tape-less scanning at a central scanner [which has had its poll/tally-tape printer purposely disabled] of all paper absentee ballots in a jurisdiction. This means that even the crude safeguard of the individual precinct-scanner tally tapes, as a check against the central tabulator total, is nonexistent. So be careful what you wish for.
If you can’t see it ALL: both the voting action AND the vote-counting action, for YOURSELF, don’t buy it, and don’t believe it. Period.
I think Dr. Freeman of PA coined the right phrase for the end result of all this crude and unaudited software and hardware: a “corrupted vote” is the outcome, whatever the means to that end. One more insightful comment from Dr. Steve Freeman:
“As John Roberts acknowledged in his confirmation hearings, the right to vote and have that vote counted is ‘preservative of all other rights.’”
Case closed.
December 4th, 2005 at 4:05 pm
Each county has their own process for elections. 17 counties used Diebold machines in the last election — so we’re fighting to delay recertification until they pass reliability and security tests.
December 7th, 2005 at 12:12 am
Thank You Senator for all efforts to cleanup our election system. I signed your petition. I was refferred by the Brad Blog. I hope something can be done about the larger problem that we witnessed in Ohio…….The switching of candidates at the central tabulator level. Bev Smith of BBV has shown on national TV how easy this is, a 4th grader could do it. Who needs to hack individual machines when you can flip all the results at the tabulator level?
I think anything to discredit Diebold is a giant leap for democracy.
A Fellow Patriot
December 7th, 2005 at 12:15 am
Oh, BTW,
I agree about paper ballots. Its a trust issue.
December 12th, 2005 at 6:37 pm
Sen, Bowen:
Thank you for spearheading the issue of electronic voting machine manipulation.
Before the 2004 Pres. Election, I predicted the outcome based on how a close election, the present Electoral College system, and just a little fudging of the final numbers…and Wolahaa! what-da-ya know…”W” wins.
Some of us are familiar with the ill-famous quote by Stalin; “I matters little who votes, what really matters is who counts the vote”.
The Republican Political Machine must have adopted Stalin’s quote as a model for the manipulation of our national elections. Should this coruption go unchallenged, unaddressed, unchanged and neglected, so goes our freedom and our Democrocy!
Continue to speak out on this important issue, you have many patriotic U.S. citizens who need to have this situation corrected, and the perpetrators prosecuted.
Thank You Sincerely,
James P Parzino
Kirkland, WA
December 14th, 2005 at 7:27 pm
Forego electronic machines. Canada uses paper voting system, many small local precincts, telephone tallies, and hand counting returns results before midnight each election. Very Low Cost. Lots of voter participation. No kick backs!
Forget re-certification of Diebold electronic voting machines for use in any California elections. They currently could not pass a thorough battery of security tests in Leon County, Florida.
December 14th, 2005 at 7:27 pm
Forego electronic machines. Canada uses paper voting system, many small local precincts, telephone tallies, and hand counting returns results before midnight each election. Very Low Cost. Lots of voter participation. No kick backs!
Forget re-certification of Diebold electronic voting machines for use in any California elections. They currently could not pass a thorough battery of security tests in Leon County, Florida.
December 14th, 2005 at 7:32 pm
IF THEY RIG THE SYSTEM - we must vote twice - once on their machines and once on paper that we count ourseves - the only way to challenge irregularities we know Diebold will create. Post a paper registry outside every poll. Organize now!!
December 18th, 2005 at 2:19 am
I agree completely that any form of electronic media can be wrong and/or manipulated. This statment I base on personal experience.
Information that is compiled, saved or transfered digitally can be faulty due to common electro-mechanical problems such as: overheating of the CPU or RAM (used by servers for data transmission), electrical current spikes, HD sector failure, or just plain construction flaws (let alone age or impact damage durring component handling). I almost need not even speak of systems being Cracked by subversives!!
Computers CAN BE WRONG! All who use, repair, or do designing and programing know better than to depend entirely upon electronic data without a paper trail behind it. So much DATA, so easy to lose all at once!
For example:
Any files can be changed with the use of software and substitute data stored on a flash drive that can be concealed in a pocket, on a keychain or a necklass, etc.
This reminds me of the Electoral College thing! Are “We The People” really too illiterate to vote for ourselves? Are “We The People” so technologically illiterate that we accept computerized machines as being — beyond question?
December 21st, 2005 at 8:35 pm
I too applaud Senator Bowen’s strong stand on this issue. But as the chairwoman of the Senate Elections, Reapportionment, & Constitutional Amendments Committee, she should also be very concerned about the gerrymandered voting districts. As FairVote has documented, Democrats and Republicans have colluded to create a situation where *”Over 90% of Americans live in congressional districts that are essentially one-party monopolies”. (From FairVote’s “Dubious Democracy” http://www.fairvote.org/dubdem/overview.htm) This, combined with unrestrained corporate lobbying (formerly known as graft), yields a system of government that cannot honestly be called a democracy. I challenge Senator Bowen to introduce legislation in the Senate to mirror that which Democrat Joe Canciamilla and Republican Keith Richman plan to introduce into the Assembly next year to establish a Citizens’ Assembly to study election problems. Let her promote the electoral methods of Proportional Representation and Instant Runoff Voting, then I’ll believe she truly has the political interests of California citizens at heart.
January 20th, 2006 at 12:53 am
Nothing that can not be confirmed absolutly. Not in Calif. not in any State in the Union. In order for any vote to count they must all be properly counted, in every state. If we perfect our vote in Calif. and allow Ohio’s electorial votes to stolen again we gain nothing
It is disgusting to me that the people in Ukrain went to the streets by the tens of thousands, and the people of Iraq braved assasins, I.E.D.’S, were maimed, kidnaped, tortured and beheaded to participate in their right to vote. While here the vast majority of my fellow americans sit on their hands and say nothing as their Democracy is stolen. It occurs to me that Ukrainians and Iraqi’s are better Americans than most of my fellow citizens are.
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May 26th, 2006 at 4:26 pm
Dear Senator Bowen,
Thank you for the work you are doing to secure fair elections.
The more I find out about electronic voting, the more I think that we need to go back to an older but better system rather than entrust our democracy to Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia.
I am from AZ and a candidate for Town Council in the town of or Valley. Our election was on May 16, but incredible, they are still recounting because of problems with electronic voting!
I hope you win your race to become SofS in CA.
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