
Apr 05

Republican Budget Favors Special Interests at Expense of America's Seniors

Torrance -- Democratic Congressional candidate, CA Secretary of State Debra Bowen issued the following statement today opposing the proposed House Republican budget which would severely slash Medicare funding and hurt America's senior citizens while giving tax breaks to the very wealthy and special interests.

Said Bowen:

"The budget plan that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and the House Republicans released this morning would be a disaster for America's seniors.

"Let's be clear: these are not simply 'cuts,' and this is not simply 'reform.' This is fundamentally abolishing Medicare as we know it and replacing it with a voucher system -- one with no cost controls which will force seniors to pay a greater and greater share of their medical bills out of pocket over time.

"While the Ryan Budget is a sweet deal for private health insurance companies and multi-millionaires, it breaks the faith with America's seniors and the tens of millions of working class Americans who have paid into Medicare their whole lives. It should not be passed.

"I've been a fighter against the special interests throughout my career, which is why I received the endorsement of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.  As a member of Congress, I will continue to fight against misguided policies like the Ryan Budget that attempt to balance the budget solely on the backs of America's seniors, working families, children, and the disabled."