Debra Bowen for Secretary of State
Debra Bowen
About Debra Bowen
Ever since she was first elected to the State Legislature in 1992, Debra Bowen has been a pioneer in government reform, consumer protection and privacy rights, environmental conservation, and open government.

Learn more about why Debra Bowen should be re-elected as California's Secretary of State.
Debra Bowen

Debra Bowen was inaugurated as California's 30th Secretary of State on January 8th, 2007. Watch video from Debra's inauguration here!

Take Action!
As California's Secretary of State, Debra Bowen will restore confidence, integrity, and independence in democratic government. But she can't do it without your help.

Here are three things you can do right now to help re-elect Debra Bowen as California's next Secretary of State:

Join the Campaign
We'll keep you plugged in to the latest news and information about Debra's campaign -- and tell you how you can help.
Your financial support will give us the resources we need to take Debra's message across California.
Spread the Word
Invite your friends and family to learn more about Debra's campaign to restore integrity to California's electoral system!

Bowen for Secretary of State
600 Playhouse Alley, Suite 504
Pasadena, CA 91030


Paid for by Debra Bowen for Secretary of State
600 Playhouse Alley, Suite 504
Pasadena, CA 91030
© 2008 Debra Bowen for Secretary of State, ID #1271345
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