Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Pro-choice groups endorse Debra Bowen

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

Community leaders, organizations, and newspapers across California are lining up behind Debra Bowen. (Did you know that Debra has received every single newspaper endorsement that’s been made in this race? Amazing!)
In addition, a long list of pro-choice groups have thrown their full support behind Debra. Check out this impressive list:

California National Organization […]

Sacramento Bee endorses Debra!

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

On Saturday, the Sacramento Bee endorsed Debra’s campaign for Secretary of State! Here are a few key passages from the editorial:
As secretary of state, Bowen could help finish a job she started in the Legislature to improve the public’s ability to track what their leaders are up to. In 1993, she sponsored legislation to […]

Debra launches grassroots fundraising drive

Friday, May 12th, 2006

Today, Debra launched a critical new fundraising drive: a $25,000 grassroots fundraising goal by May 31st to help her reach 80,000 targeted Democratic voters with a direct mail piece in the days right before the June 6th primary election.
Two Field Polls recently showed that Debra is running in a dead heat, and that 65% […]

BREAKING NEWS: Debra wins California Democratic Party endorsement!

Sunday, April 30th, 2006

At this weekend’s California Democratic Party convention in Sacramento, Debra won the Party’s official endorsement — picking up more than 80% of the vote!
It was a resounding victory — in fact, Debra racked up the highest percentage win of any other Democrat running statewide this year — and it wouldn’t have been possible without your […]

San Francisco Chronicle endorses Debra!

Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

On Sunday, Californians woke up to great news in our fight for fair and transparent elections: The San Francisco Chronicle endorsed Debra’s campaign for Secretary of State!
Here are a few key paragaphs from the Chronicle’s endorsement editorial:
But for this office, Bowen is the clear choice in the Democratic primary. In her nearly 14 years […]

Debra on 960-AM “The Quake” Tuesday morning

Monday, April 10th, 2006

On Tuesday morning, from 8:00-8:30 am, Debra will join Willie Brown and Will Durst on their morning radio show.
If you’re in the San Francisco area, please tune in on 960-AM. Or visit to listen online.
– Brent

Tell Secretary McPherson to stop disenfranchising voters

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

Today, Senator Bowen is launching a new online advocacy campaign to urge Secretary of State McPherson to roll back his restrictive, anti-voter regulations — regulations that have already invalidated 14,000 new voter registration and re-registration applications in Los Angeles County alone.
I hope you’ll join us.
Forward an email to Secretary of State McPherson today!
– Brent

Thousands of voters dumped off California’s voting rolls

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

I just learned of an alarming development in our fight for fair and transparent elections: The current Secretary of State, Bruce McPherson, launched a statewide voter registration database system last year that will disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters in California.
More than 14,000 new voter registration and re-registration applications just from Los Angeles County […]

Debra on Air America Radio this Friday!

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

Debra is scheduled to be on the Al Franken Show on Air America Radio this Friday, March 31st from 9:30-10:00 a.m. to discuss Diebold and other elections-related issues.
We hope you’ll tune in to listen to Debra on Friday — and then come back here to discuss the show on the Bowen Blog.
To find the Air […]

Was it a prank, or something more?

Monday, February 27th, 2006

On Wednesday, Democracy for America organized a conference call for Debra and hundreds of DFA activists across California to talk about her campaign for Secretary of State and the latest re-certification of Diebold voting machines.
Tha call started out great, with Debra spending 15 minutes talking about why she’s running for Secretary of State and why […]